Cleaning Up the Playing Field: Why K P Sports Directorate Needs a Thorough Accountability



Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's Sports Directorate is rife with mismanagement and corruption, and a comprehensive accountability process is long overdue. This isn't just about the current PTI regime; it's about the past two decades. Everyone involved, from employees and contractors to PMS officers and journalists, needs to be under the microscope. Ministers who used the ministry to benefit their cronies must also face scrutiny.

We need to investigate the financial trajectories of all individuals associated with the directorate for the past 20 years. Where did their wealth come from? Did their lifestyles inflate suspiciously during their time in sports? We must also examine the so-called "big players" – coaches who enjoy hefty privileges but deliver abysmal results.

The current state of affairs is shameful. Employees haven't received their November salaries yet, while some officials flaunt fleets of cars fueled by government quotas. Meanwhile, a special person's car engine mysteriously vanishes, and the driver suffers a three-month salary suspension, but no further action is taken. This culture of impunity needs to end.

No one knows the exact number of registered sports associations, their members, or their facilities. District Sports Officers seem oblivious to the 2018 sports policy's implementation. How many clubs and associations have been registered? How many elections have been held fairly? Which associations operate solely on nepotism, and for how long have unqualified individuals clung to power?

Sports directorate employees with forged documents, who never competed at inter-district level but somehow became "international players", need to be exposed. Individuals whose credentials are rejected by federations yet occupy permanent, even promoted, positions must be held accountable. Are these employees puppets of various associations, milking both sides for gain? Is their contractual status even valid?

What about the employees who joined 20 years ago? Their current salaries barely cover basic expenses. How can they afford luxury cars, businesses, foreign trips, and Haj pilgrimages? Even debt-ridden servants manage Umrah, so something clearly isn't adding up.

Finally, the accountability net must ensnare sports journalists as well. What were their lifestyles like 20 years ago? How many faced bans for inappropriate behavior at girls' colleges? How many athletes have they exploited? How many players have they blackmailed or cheated out of prize money? Are they affiliated with businesses or government agencies? Are they even legitimate journalists, or just empty titles?

Only a thorough, unbiased accountability process can answer these questions, expose the culprits, and clean up the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sports Directorate. The true stakeholders, the athletes who deserve better, are the ones who suffer most from this systemic rot. It's time to give them the fair playing field they deserve.

#KPKSportsAccountability #CleanSportsKP #AthletesDeserveBetter #WhoBenefitsFromSportsFunds



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