U-21 Players Demand Overdue Scholarships, Urge Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Ministry of Sports to Act



In a recent development, players who were denied their U-21 scholarships are now demanding swift action from the Ministry of Sports in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Expressing their grievances, the players have called upon the provincial sports directorate to address the matter urgently and distribute the prizes promised over the past one and a half years to those who excelled in their respective sports.


For an extended period, athletes engaged in various sports, who diligently created accounts in the provincial bank as per the sports directorate's request, are growing increasingly frustrated. They emphasize that athletes achieving top positions in provincial sports competitions were initially promised individual monthly scholarships. Although the winning teams were initially slated to receive 100,000 rupees, this fund allocation inexplicably ceased, leaving players in limbo.


The provincial sports directorate, adhering to a policy of silence on the matter, is facing accusations of neglecting the athletes' rightful claims. This inaction, deemed as a disservice to the players, has sparked discontent among the sports community. Many players, previously enrolled in colleges under the assurance of these scholarships, are now grappling with the sudden absence of financial support.


Expressing concern, the players have called upon the provincial government to promptly release the long-overdue scholarships as initially promised. They argue that this step is crucial for enabling athletes from various sports to concentrate on honing their skills without the financial uncertainties hanging over their education. The call for justice in the form of scholarship disbursement is resonating among the under-21 players, urging authorities to rectify the situation and uphold their commitment to the development of sports in the region.

#U21ScholarshipDelay #SportsInjustice #kikxnow #acjfellow #kikxnowsports



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