Sports Directorate Incompetence Hinders PC One Approval, Ignites Protests Among Coaches and Daily Wages



Peshawar , Pakistan .  In a disheartening development, the approval of PC One within the Sports Directorate of PC One is facing an unacceptable delay due to the glaring incompetence of its officers. This delay has triggered a domino effect, prompting coaches and daily wage employees to prepare for protests.


The Sports Directorate of PC One has yet to secure approval, primarily attributed to the inefficiency of its officers, who have chosen to remain mum in response to numerous letters sent by the P&D Department. This deafening silence has far-reaching consequences across the entire province, directly impacting daily wage employees and coaches working in various sports complexes.


Among the affected are eighteen daily wage employees who have received the approval of department officers, yet their duty locations remain shrouded in mystery. Some employees, despite being listed on the salary roster, are working in unknown capacities, leaving everyone uninformed. This lack of transparency has plunged these employees, some with up to a decade of service, into a state of uncertainty.


The situation took a turn for the worse when Director General Sports Director Khalid Mehmood arrived, summarily dismissing daily wage employees in all sports complexes, including the Peshawar Sports Complex. The justification provided was the preparation of a new PC One, with the promise of redeployment after its approval. This decision has affected around three hundred employees, including long-serving coaches.


Despite the Sports Directorate submitting PC One, observations made by the P&D department remain unaddressed, leading to an unnecessarily prolonged approval process. The silence surrounding these observations and the lack of communication regarding the PC One approval have left daily wage employees in the dark. Frustrated and unemployed for over five months, these workers have now begun reaching out to organize protests, seeking clarity and resolution.


#SportsDirectorateIncompetence #PCOneDelay #ProtestSportsEmployees


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