New Director General Abdul Nasir Khan Assumes Charge at Provincial Sports Directorate


PESHAWAR, Pakistan: New Director General Abdul Nasir Khan officially assumed his responsibilities at the Provincial Sports Directorate.

On his first day in office, staff members from various departments convened to welcome him and provide a comprehensive briefing on their ongoing activities.

Subsequently, Abdul Nasir Khan, accompanied by the Director of Sports for the mixed districts, Pir Abdullah, conducted a thorough inspection of different sections within the sports directorate. During this visit, he gained insights into the existing sports facilities.

On the inaugural day of his tenure, DG Sports Abdul Nasir Khan held a meeting with the Secretary of Sports, following his interactions with the staff. Notably, the previous Director General of Sports, Khalid Mehmood, had served seven months in the Sports Directorate before relocating to the Peshawar Development Authority.

Khalid Mehmood's focus during his term primarily centered around badminton, football, and swimming, activities in which he and his children actively participated. However, his attention to other sports was relatively minimal.

Following Abdul Nasir Khan's appointment as the new Director General, officers and officials within the Sports Directorate eagerly sought to establish connections with him. Some officers went to great lengths to demonstrate their affiliations with the Director General in hopes of garnering attention from their colleagues.

It is noteworthy that Miss Rashida Ghaznavi, the female director of the Provincial Sports Directorate, who holds a Grade 20 position, has filed a case in the Peshawar High Court. The case pertains to issues related to the service structure, including gender-based considerations. Miss Ghaznavi is seeking legal intervention for her appointment as DG Sports.

This development mirrors similar occurrences in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, where the Population Department and the Information Department witnessed protests against appointments from outside their respective departments. In response, senior officials within these departments were appointed to address concerns and maintain internal cohesion.

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