"Mosque Missing at Arbab Niaz Cricket Stadium, Peshawar, Raises Concerns for Players"



The mosque that once stood within the premises of Arbab Niaz Cricket Stadium in Peshawar is still absent, despite its demolition. Instead, a hostel for players has been constructed. Back in 2013, former cricketers had contributed to the construction of a mosque to facilitate both the stadium employees and visiting players. However, as part of the ongoing reconstruction of Arbab Niaz Cricket Stadium, the mosque was dismantled.


While most of the stadium's reconstruction work has been completed, the mosque's rebuilding remains pending. The cricket community is now urging the Secretary of Sports to address this matter promptly. They emphasize the importance of reconstructing the mosque within Arbab Niaz Cricket Stadium, making it not only a place for sports but also a place for players to offer prayers within the stadium's boundaries.

#ArbabNiazCricketStadium #MissingMosque #CricketPlayers


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