Daily Wage Employees of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sports Directorate Appeal to Chief Minister and Governor for Help



Dear Chief Minister and Governor KP ,


We, the daily wage employees of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sports Directorate, are writing to you today to appeal for your help. We were recently fired from our jobs, despite having worked for the directorate for many years. We are now facing financial hardship and uncertainty about our future.

We were told that we were fired due to lack of funds, but we believe that this is not the true reason. The directorate has recently given a contractor an advance of fifteen million rupees, even though the work for which the contractor was hired has not yet been completed. Additionally, the directorate has three vehicles for its officers, whose fuel costs are paid for by public tax money.

We believe that the directorate has the funds to pay our salaries, but that the money is being mismanaged. We are also concerned about the fact that eighteen new daily wage employees have recently been recruited, despite the fact that the directorate claims to be short on funds. We believe that these new employees were recruited because they are connected to the directorate's officers.

We are requesting your help in getting our jobs back. We are hard-working and dedicated employees, and we are committed to serving the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. We believe that the sports directorate is important for the development of our province, and we want to continue to contribute to its success.

We urge you to investigate the financial mismanagement at the sports directorate and to take steps to ensure that all employees are treated fairly. We also urge you to reinstate the daily wage employees who were recently fired.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Daily Wage Employees of the

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sports Directorate


#KPSportsDirectorate #DailyWageEmployees #ChiefMinister #Governor #AppealForHelp #kikxnow #digitalcreator #sportsdepartment


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