Management Incompetence Leads to Attack on International Player, Lack of Accountability Exposed



Peshawar - The administration of Peshawar Sports Complex is under scrutiny following a distressing incident on the squash court, as they displayed a lack of effort in investigating the matter and failed to gather crucial information regarding the attack. Shockingly, no surveillance cameras have been installed near the Qamar Zaman Squash Court, which falls within the jurisdiction of the Sports Directorate.


The absence of these cameras prevents the revelation of accurate footage that could shed light on the incident. Despite the previous announcement by the administrator of Peshawar Sports Complex to install cameras throughout the facility, including the allocated funds, the cameras were inexplicably not installed at the Qamar Zaman Squash Court.


According to the coaches at Qamar Zaman Squash Court, the attacker involved in the incident is a junior player from the PAF Squash Court. Multiple requests were made to the administrator of Peshawar Sports Complex, urging them to prohibit the entry of PAF players, but unfortunately, no response was received.


This request remains unimplemented, even though players from Qamar Zaman Squash Court are not permitted to play at the PAF Squash Court. Moreover, PAF players have been practicing at the court without paying the required membership fees, contributing to the unfortunate incident that unfolded today at Qamar Zaman Squash Court.


Squash player Fawad, who suffered from the attack, has identified Muhammad Ali as the assailant, and he has been named as the accused at Lady Reading Hospital in Peshawar. Surprisingly, instead of filing a formal First Information Report (FIR), the Gulbarg police station has only registered a diary entry in this regard, raising questions about the handling of the case.


Hashtags: #Squash #Accident #Incident #KPK #KP #Team #SportsNews #Mojo #QamarZaman #Complex #Player #FawadAttack #Attacker #PlayerAttack


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