KPK Sports Association Representatives Express Concerns Over Size of Players' Kits and Shoes Ahead of National Games


Peshawar , Representatives of various sports associations in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, ahead of the National Games, have raised concerns over being asked to provide the size of players' kits and shoes before the trials have even taken place.

 The sports association representatives, who spoke on condition of anonymity, expressed their worry over the rush to provide equipment for the players without proper trials.

"How can we tell the measurements of the players' kits and the size of the shoes?" said one representative. "Sometimes it happens that players get big size kits while others get small size, because of this reason they feel embarrassed during the game."

The representatives have demanded satisfaction and comfort in the size and measurement of the kits and shoes for the players. They emphasized the importance of ensuring that the players do not get the wrong size equipment, which could potentially affect their performance during the games.

The rush to provide equipment before the trials have even taken place has caused mental stress among the sports association members. The representatives are calling for a fair and just approach to the provision of equipment, so that all players can have access to appropriate gear that fits them properly.

As the National Games draw near, it is imperative that these concerns are addressed and the needs of the players are met. The success of the games depends on the performance of the athletes, and ensuring that they have the right equipment is crucial to their success.

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