Human trafficking under the guise of sports, squash association including provincial sports directorate also kept silent

Despite the claims of producing big players for many years, human trafficking in squash and the increase in the number of people fleeing from Pakistan, the security agencies are also silent.

Peshawar... The Squash Association, including the Provincial Sports Directorate, has completely remained silent regarding the persons known in the name of the squash tournament in the United States and it has not been revealed that human trafficking in the name of squash has taken place. 

Who is benefiting from this business and which people are involved in it? This is not the first time that athletes have gone to America in the name of squash tournament and then disappeared there. However, despite hundreds of claims of building squash courts and producing big players in the squash field, the number of people fleeing from Pakistan and the inhumane smuggling of squash from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is continuously increasing. 

Two squash coaches of the sports directorate have also disappeared along with the players. Previously, people have been disappearing in the name of players and coaches. He has escaped to America in the name of O There is no possibility of their return, while the letter to participate in the championship has also been given by the Squash Association including the Provincial Sports Directorate. 

The institution has not taken notice nor the Provincial Sports Directorate and Squash Association have presented their position regarding who are behind this business of human trafficking under the guise of sports and why no action is being taken against them yet.

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