The game and the players go to hell, the stomach is full, isn't it..

To keep up with the world, we have to take steps like the world or make decisions that are at least acceptable to the world and bring us against them. But it is our misfortune that our rulers have their own will. They make decisions, the consequences of which the people have to bear. One of the major signs of the doomsday is that incompetent people will get the government. When the incompetent people get the government, power and chair, they will necessarily make decisions that are not in the interest of the people, which will have an impact on the people.  In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, all the decisions made by the new government in the name of change, the effects and fruits of it have started coming slowly. same sitution in sports department kp , because the  currently  Atif Khan Playing with department . 

The main function of the Sports Directorate is to promote sports at the nursery level and organize competitions in this regard, but the "honor" goes to the Chief Minister for organizing the U-23 competition, then the U-21 competition, which cost crores of rupees. But no player has emerged, yes, many things have been revealed in the government papers, now the Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has handed over this ministry to Atif Khan, who has started inter-university, inter-college and now district-wise competitions, the main purpose of which is only change. In the name of filling the pockets of certain people, honoring their members of the assembly. Because what kind of people will come out in the under-29 in the constituency-wise competitions. This is also a big question mark.

Don't universities have their own funds for sports, not their own directorate, not their own employees, not their own competitions, absolutely everything. No, these competitions were held, goods were ordered, in which certain people were also awarded. The equipment was distributed to the universities, although there were universities that did not even have athletes but they were given equipment worth millions of rupees, a man associated with the sports department of a large university say this in the sports directorate. That we will play, but not to take back the equipment from us, because this will allow our boys to play in the university. They also come, but the stomachs of the people sitting in these departments also have to be filled/

After inter-university, inter-collegiate competitions were organized, although they also get funds for sports, funds are also withdrawn from the athletes in the name of sports. It is a different matter from where the people associated with the sports have reached, but the main purpose of these games was that new players should come forward and they should also know the international standards. Pockets had to be filled, so the coaches and competitions were supervised by the staff of the Higher Education Department, the sports directorate's own coaches were not spared, because these coaches had to be paid again now if the competitions were organized by higher instead of qualified sports coaches. How will the players come forward if they are under the shadow of the likes of the education department?

The interesting thing is that the sports supervisor of the Higher Education Department who is associated with a sports association in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and they do not have any competitions throughout the year but start their competitions in March and April. Most of the girls seem to make ends meet in colleges or they have to do "camps" and competitions in the mountains and get a lot of publicity with the help of sports "contractors" and then the same two or three competitions throughout the year. Due to which they get grants of lakhs of rupees, no one asks how many players were in your sport last year and how many new players have come this year. The competition was done, the photos were published, the grants were received, then we will see next year.

The funny thing is that the Higher Education Department, which oversees the inter-collegiate sports competitions, calls the representatives of various associations and asks them to arrange "trophies and equipment" for us, that these competitions are to be organized by us, but When the same higher education department organizes competitions on the funds of the sports directorate, then they do not remember the coaches and the same association, then they hear that we have "our own people" who will monitor the competitions, who do not follow the basic rules. Knowing how to make them compete, how players will be born from them, this is also a big question. And how we will compete with the world.

A basic principle for sports around the world is that children are prepared for various sports at an early age, while in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, after the change, district-wise competitions are being conducted on youths from eighteen to "under-29". The players do not come out of these competitions, and even if they come out, then on which forum in the world they will be presented, this is also a big question mark, but what about the game and the player, "Just a lot of copycats from the "brain child" of the people. This is also a big thing. The game and the players go to hell.

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